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Studies and teaching




Many preventive measures for study operations, which require constant updating, continue to be taken to cope with the pandemic conditions. We have compiled important information for you concerning study and teaching.

In order to protect students and employees or to contain corona infections, the following consequences and rules must be observed:

  • The University of Freiburg statute for managing the effects of the corona pandemic on studies and teaching (Corona Statute – in German) from April 17, 2020 as amended on 14 October 2020
  • It is to be expected (as of August 20, 2020) that the current Corona Ordinance will apply until September 30th and is expected to be extended. The Corona Ordinance for study operations and the arts by the Ministry of Science and the Arts comes into force on September 24, 2020. The recent alarming increase in the number of infections, also in Germany, makes us believe that the prescribed safety measures will not be loosened in the autumn. Rather, we must prepare ourselves for a worsening of the situation. Our planning must be based on currently valid regulations.
  • As a consequence, this means that even in the 2020/21winter semester, teaching must take place in classroom formats under the condition that distance, hygiene and mask regulations continue to apply, as well as the obligation to collect data and to comply with the ban on entry and participation in case of typical symptoms/contact with infected persons, and to ventilate and clean the rooms, as most recently described and specified in the current hygiene regulations of the University and in the guideline on "Guideline for opening buildings and rooms to carry out classroom teaching".
  • Further regulations can be found below under 'Information on the winter semester 2020/2021'.
  • Students and employees of the University of Freiburg have the possibility to borrow and return books at the UB from April 23rd, 2020. Since 20 May limited access to the reading rooms at the University Library has once again been possible for members of the university. Further information.
  • The Studierendenwerk is preparing the gradual opening of the cafeterias:
    Institute Café: From Monday, August 10th, the Institute Café will close for the summer break.
    Café Senkrecht, Mo - Fr from 9am – 2pm with bar tables inside and outside. During the summer break, the Café Senkrecht will remain open continuously (Mon - Fri from 9am - 2 pm). Mensa Rempartstraße, Mon - Fri from 11.30am – 1:30pm, also "to go." During the summer break the Mensa Rempartstraße will remain open all day.
  • The "Infoladen" of the Studierendenwerk will be open Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm. Please contact the Studierendenwerk via phone or eMail. In case of emergency, you may come to the office in person.
  • The Student Service Center is only available via phone or eMail (

The hotline of the Student Service Center can answer questions about your studies by e-mail and telephone and will give you the names of the necessary contact persons:

Tel: 0761 203-4246

Mo – Thurs: 9am – 4:30pm; Fri: 9am – 12pm


Frequently asked questions


Information on the winter semester 2020/2021

When will lectures in the 2020/21 winter semester begin? - As of: 07/31/2020

2020/21 Winter semester: Monday, November 2, 2020 to Saturday, February 13, 2021.

Attention: For students in higher semesters and for Master's degree students, there is an earlier start in some subjects and for some courses starting October 19th. An exception are the subjects Molecular Medicine and Nursing Science, which start earlier. Please check the website of your subject or contact your course coordinator.

What needs to be considered for the start of the semester? - As of: 08/20/2020

There will be no welcoming of all freshmen in the stadium. Instead the speech of the new rector will be online and there will be a HISinOne event with the ILIAS course for the “Start of Studies at the University of Freiburg 2020” with lots of information about the start of studies.

We would like to draw the students' attention to the use of the app “Studienstart,” which is connected to HISinOne.

The individual faculties/departments have made arrangements in a letter to the deans of studies dated July 23 for the reservation of lecture halls, especially the Paulussaal and the Pauluskirche, in the last week of October (26th through 30th).

Staff members (e.g. course coordinators) will come here to the “ILIAS preparation room for the start of the digital semester.“

How will studies and teaching likely to be planned in the winter semester 2020/21? - As of: 09/14/2020

For planning the winter semester, we have to start from the currently applicable regulations.

As a consequence, this means that even in the 2020/21 winter semester, teaching must take place in classroom formats under the condition that distance, hygiene and mask regulations continue to apply, as well as the obligation to collect data and to comply with the ban on entry and participation in case of typical symptoms/contact with infected persons, and to ventilate and clean the rooms, as most recently described and specified in the current hygiene regulations of the University and in the guideline on "Guideline for opening buildings and rooms to carry out classroom teaching."

  • In the winter semester, practical classes (laboratory internships, dissecting courses) and excursions can still be held on-site, subject to compliance with the hygiene regulations. Applications for these courses will no longer be necessary.
  • The period Mo - Fr 8-22 o'clock is planned for classroom teaching in WS 2020/21. The centrally managed rooms cannot be made available for lectures until further notice. Priority will be given to classroom teaching for students in the 1st and 2nd semester and to examinations. The available seats are marked. Further classroom teaching can take place in the decentrally managed, faculty-owned seminar rooms/lecture halls in compliance with the above-mentioned regulations (distance, mouth and nose covering, marking of seats, etc.). These faculty rooms are to be occupied primarily and decentrally.
  • We would like to ask the faculties to inform Mr. Lais of any free capacities in self-administered seminar rooms/lecture halls, so that these can be made available to other faculties/departments. Should you have problems calculating the number of seats, please contact the Safety Department (
  • Even at maximum utilization of our space reserves, not all courses will be able to take place on-site. We ask the faculties to decide in advance which lectures will be taught in class and which digitally. Please note that each new student should be offered at least two classroom sessions per week.
  • Classroom teaching requires that students register via HISinOne and that their presence is checked by the teacher. For every course and other event, data collection is required (see „Fact sheets and applications"). People who refuse to provide their data are not allowed to attend the course. As of 09/14:  The sheet "Declaration on the ban of entry and participation" is no longer required.
  • Each teacher has to expect that he / she must include students who are not present (international students who cannot enter, pregnant women, students in quarantine or from risk groups, etc.) in their classroom teaching.

Independently of this, we ask every teacher to be prepared for the fact that in case of another severe corona outbreak, teaching will have to be completely converted to digital teaching/distance learning.

Catalogue of measures for dealing with scarce space resources

Centrally managed lecture halls cannot be made available for lectures in the winter semester 2020/2021. These are offered online, either in a recorded or live stream format.
It is also possible for asynchronously recorded lectures to include e.g. self-tests or - after consultation with the students - interactive elements (e.g. chat at specified times, forum).
When faculties decide which on-site courses they want to offer, not only content aspects but also the size of the course can play a role: The more frequently large courses are offered digitally, the greater the flexibility in the implementation of classroom teaching.

Possibilities for multipurpose usage of individual lecture halls

  • Division of the group of students and alternating participation in classroom teaching; e.g. in the case of a group of thirty, division into two groups of 15; Group A has classroom teaching in the first week, Group B in the second, Group A in the third, etc. For the week without lessons, for example, tasks to be submitted digitally can be formulated.
  • Chronological division of the lecture hall use between several (small) courses. Course A receives the lecture hall for the first four weeks, Course B for the next four weeks, Course C for the following four weeks. In the other weeks the course can be held digitally (ZOOM). The three courses can also come from different departments.
  • Alternating use of the lecture hall by several (small) courses: Course A receives it in weeks 1, 4, 7 and 10, Course B in weeks 2, 5, 8 and 11, and Course C in weeks 3, 6, 9 and 12. In the other weeks the course is held digitally (ZOOM). Here too, the three courses can be assigned to different departments.

Catalogue of measures for including absent students (hybrid courses)

By 'hybrid courses' we mean those that offer on-site teaching and digital teaching simultaneously.
The initial question is: How can the following distance-learning groups of students actively participate in the course in spite of on-site teaching:

  • - International students without the possibility to enter the country (off-campus students)
  • - pregnant students
  • - Students from risk groups
  • - students in quarantine
  • - Parts of larger groups of students who cannot all use the lecture hall at the same time due to corona restrictions?

Every teacher has to reckon with having several students from the groups mentioned in the course and thus having to provide additional distance learning options.

Possible implementation strategies:
a) In the case of several parallel courses of the same character (e.g. exercises), one is offered digitally, the others on-site. This relieves those lecturers who offer classroom teaching of the need to consider 2-3 students who may not be present.
b) Simultaneous participation of a group on-site and individual students online, whereby the interaction of all students with the teacher and with each other should be ensured.

  1. Lectures and seminars of approx. 40 participants* (in the event they cannot be divided): PANOPTO (live streamed and recorded) with chat for questions. Limited interaction.
  2. Seminars reliant on presentations and discussions (up to approx. 30 participants*): seminar rooms with permanently installed conference technology (monitor, room camera and room microphone) and laptop of the teacher (presentation is visible for those present via beamer, for those off-site via video conference). Full-fledged interaction including presentations.
  3. the same as 2. but with mobile devices and only for small groups. Teachers will bring the equipment (room camera, room microphone) into the classroom.

It should be noted that in the case of hybrid courses the format of the examination must be the same for all participants at the end. Since there are no online exams at the University of Freiburg and on-site exams for distance-learning international students are not possible, other formats must be chosen (e.g. written paper, oral exam on-site or online).

Can class excursions take place? - As of: 07/14/2020

A maximum of 30 people (including lecturers/tutors) may participate in a field exercise or excursion. Arrival and departure should be arranged individually. Carpools in cars are to be avoided. The measures in the University hygiene regulations must be observed.

What do I have to consider as an international student for the winter semester? - As of: 07/31/2020

  • International students (and researchers) do not receive an entry visa to Germany unless it is confirmed that their studies or research stay includes elements of classroom attendance. The forms (German and English) for students entering Germany can be found on our Corona homepage.
  • The status of the off-campus student will be maintained. If you want to admit off-campus students, you have to make sure that the entire course including the final examination is carried out online, as it cannot be expected that these students will be able to enter Germany later in the semester. Off-campus students can re-register without having to enter Germany. However, this does not mean that international students from non-EU/EEA countries are exempt from tuition fees. At the same time, there is no possibility any more to take a leave of absence (and thus save tuition fees) and still attend digital courses like in the summer semester 2020. This also applies to German and EU students.

Can I also take a leave of absence in the 2020/2021 winter semester and at the same time attend digital courses and/or conduct academic administration and/or take examinations? - As of: 08/11/2020

No. This special regulation for the summer semester 2020 will no longer exist for the winter semester.

As a student, where can I find help in dealing with the digital tools and platforms? - As of: 03/13/2020

The e-learning department provides information here with help and webinars (the webinar is now also available in English!)

I am a lecturer and would like to teach my course digitally. How can I do this? - As of: 04/24/2020

The e-learning department provides information about the basic possibilities and scenarios of digital teaching with instructions, templates and much more under the following link:

Guidelines on the use of Zoom at the University of Freiburg (German only)

Starting September 22, 2020, the University’s Centre for teaching and Learning will once again offer (several) daily consultation appointments during their online office hours. Here you can clarify how you can transfer your classroom teaching to a virtual teaching-learning setting, which scenarios are sensible and realistic for this transition, what you should take into account and what experiences you can apply from the previous semester.

In addition, a daily hotline (for short consultations) will be set up from October 5-30, 2020 between 2pm and 3pm. For more information.

Is attendance to digital seminars compulsory? - As of: 04/24/2020

Yes, the examination regulations for regular attendance will apply accordingly.

Are there seating plans of the currently available lecture halls of the Central Lecture Hall Allocation Office? - As of: 07/17/2020

Seating plans with numbering of the lecture halls of the Central Lecture Hall Allocation Office can be found under the following link in the intranet.
For further information on centrally managed rooms you can also contact the colleagues of the Central Lecture Hall Allocation Office (D4.4).

Lectures in summer semester 2020

How was/will teaching be organized in the 2020 summer semester 2020? - As of: 08/20/2020

Lectures for the summer semester were held between May 11 and July 31, 2020 in the form of distance learning.

The lecture-free week of excursions after Whitsun from June 2-5, 2020 was cancelled. Instead, the lecture period continued in the form of distance learning.

In addition to practical training courses which required special laboratory or work rooms at the universities (e.g. laboratory internships, dissection courses) and those that could be implemented earlier, on-site classes are once again possible for the remainder of the summer semester in addition to the digital teaching formats and without special permission from the Rectorate under the following conditions:

  • At a minimum, the hygiene and occupational safety measures described in the hygiene regulations must be observed. If the result of the risk assessment should make further protective measures necessary, the on-site events are only possible if these additional protective measures are observed.
  • The persons responsible for the on-site event shall ensure that the on-site event is only carried out under the special protective measures described above. Particular attention is drawn to the obligation to collect data.
  • When booking and using rooms for on-site classes, it is imperative that you observe the hygiene regulations and the guide ”Opening of buildings and centrally managed rooms for the purpose of conducting face-to-face teaching and free student work.”

Seating plans with numbering of the lecture halls of the Central Lecture Hall Allocation Office can be found on the intranet under the following link.

Did exams take place in the summer semester? Did I need to submit a form to withdraw from my exam? - As of: 08/20/2020

In the interest of students and doctoral candidates, the university on-site examinations had been cancelled until 19.04.2020. Students did not have to apply for withdrawal for these on-site exams that had been cancelled by the University. This also applied to all teacher training-related final examinations in the state examinations and all other state examinations. The university has done everything in its power to ensure that cancelled exams could be made up as soon as possible.

I received a teaching assignment for the 2020 summer semester. My course could not or could only partly be taught digitally. What happens if the course is cancelled? Do I receive financial compensation for preparation and for my already booked travel arrangements? - As of: 08/20/2020

The State Rectors' Conference has already introduced this topic to the cabinet and, together with the Ministry of Science, will work out proposals for the courses that cannot be made up for. In the interest of our lecturers, we hope to obtain the approval or assumption of compensation, but ask for a little patience until the state government has clarified the matter.

Examination and study achievements

Can oral exams be held online? - As of: 04/24/2020

Digital solutions can be used for each type of oral examination. Examinations can be taken at the request of the students, for example as a video conference, without the candidates having to be at the university. Regulations for online examinations are contained in the Corona Statute.

For planning and implementation, please refer to the fact sheets and application forms of the Legal Department, documents 1-6 under "Fact sheets and applications".

Information page of the E-Learning Department:

Please note that, in principle, there is no legal entitlement to the use of electronic information and communication technologies for coursework and examination purposes.

Can oral exams be taken in person? - As of: 07/14/2020

Yes, as long as the University hygiene regulations are observed.

Can written exams be taken online? - As of: 04/24/2020

It is currently not possible to take written exams online.

Can written exams be taken in person? - As of: 07/14/2020

Yes, as long as the University hygiene regulations are observed.

Can students from Switzerland or France enter the country from the University’s point of view? - As of: 04/24/2020

Yes, the degree programme coordination or the examination office can draw up a letter for this purpose, which can be presented at a border control. The letter should include that Ms/Mr, ...., student of...., matriculation number, must attend an urgent and absolutely necessary exam that cannot be postponed on ….(date).

As an instructor, do I have the possibility to deviate from the specified examination type and format? - As of: 04/24/2020

Insofar as stipulated in the applicable examination regulations, it is already possible to deviate from the type of examination or the examination format stipulated in the respective subject-specific regulations.
Reference can be made here to § 14 paragraph 3 B.Sc. regulations as an example. "Deviations from the type of examination specified in the relevant subject-specific provisions in Annex B to these examination regulations or the examination format provided therein shall only be permitted if, due to a circumstance for which the examiner is not responsible and the consequences of which cannot be compensated for in any other way, the examination in the form provided would not be suitable or would be disproportionate to the effort required. The decision as to whether and in what form the examination may be carried out instead shall be made by the Special Examination Committee upon application to be made by the examiner without delay. The professional requirements of the examination performance must be observed. If the subject examination board approves the application, the students shall be informed immediately. Students who have already been admitted to the examination at the time of the decision of the subject examination board may withdraw from the examination upon application." (non-binding courtesy translation)
The module manuals must be modified accordingly.
In addition, on April 17, 2020, the University of Freiburg adopted a supplementary and temporary 'Corona Statute' that regulates the courses of study and teaching for the 2020 summer semester.

I am currently abroad and due to travel restrictions cannot partake in the new date for my cancelled exam. What should I do? - As of: 04/24/2020

In this case, the relevant examination deadlines must be extended at your request.
In this case, the requirements of the regulations for exam withdrawal for an important reason apply (see e.g. § 23 B.Sc. Examination Regulations).
The same also applies to requested extensions of the deadline for processing times as well as examinations scheduled for the summer semester which cannot be taken by students staying abroad for the reasons stated here. Please submit the application to the board of examiners, stating the reason for withdrawal and enclosing suitable evidence.

How can I reach the examination offices? - As of: 04/24/2020

All examination offices will continue working, if necessary from the home office.

You can also inform yourself on the homepage of your respective examination office about the possibilities of contacting them or separate contact addresses.

Is it possible to digitally archive bachelor and master theses whose submission is made in electronic form on the basis of § 5a of the current Corona Statutes? - As of: 08/20/2020

Filing at the University of Freiburg is not done electronically, so that the evaluated Bachelor's or Master's thesis has to be submitted in paper form for the examination file.

I work in the examination office or in the degree program coordination office. Where can I find particular notifications about campus management such as dealing with the various examination dates in HISinOne? - As of: 04/24/2020

Click here for the latest information in Wiki for the Department of Campus Management.

Secondary school teaching specific questions

Does the extension of the standard period of study change anything in the possibilities of splitting the oral examinations? - As of: 09/14/2020

Yes, the extension of the individual standard period of study decided in June ( means you have the possibility of splitting the oral examination into two consecutive semesters. As a result, the 2020 summer semester is not included in the semester calculation.

Is the state examination for Gymnasium (high school) at the University of Freiburg taking place as planned (as of now) or have there been any changes? - As of: 09/14/2020

The spring examinations in the First State Examination GymPO have now been completed. Further information can be found here:,Lde/7216236

What happens if the orientation internship for students is interrupted by school closings? - As of: 05/13/2020

The University of Freiburg has agreed on the procedure described below on the basis of the recommendations of the Ministry of Culture concerning the Orientation Internship (OSP) - always provided that it is possible to run a school. The OSP is accredited for a minimum duration of 10 days (full-time).

If the capacity of the schools allows it, the missing days (usually 5) should be completed this year, i.e. before winter. We would like to point out that these 5 days are best completed in blocks, as a continuous period is pedagogically desirable. In addition, this would also help to better distribute absences from university courses and not always fall on the same day/courses if the internship days have to be carried out during the semester. If there are schools where the internship can only be carried out on individual days, accommodating and flexible individual case solutions should be agreed upon with the respective university lecturers in the interest of the students and the schools.

The tasks to be worked on in the OSP were adapted to the shortened duration of the OSP and the special conditions. The follow-up workshops take place instead of half a day of attendance in the form of an extended online reflection task via the ILIAS learning platform. The students were informed about the reduced compulsory tasks and the new deadlines via the ILIAS forum for the orientation internship.

What happens if the school internship semester has to be interrupted due to school closings at the moment? - As of: 04/24/2020

"The school practice semesters according to the framework regulation for teacher training courses of the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs (so-called “RahmenVO-KM”), which are currently being completed abroad, can be recognized as nationally regulated with up to eight weeks of school practice. In any case, an internship of at least four weeks at a training school in Baden-Württemberg in connection with the accompanying events at the seminars for training and further training of teachers in Baden-Württemberg must be completed afterwards. Since this is a compulsory part of the degree program, which must be passed, an appropriate solution for the successful completion of the practical school semester, including the possibility of catching up in Baden-Württemberg, will be worked out and communicated after the resumption of school and the continuation of the training at the appropriate time.

If a module is currently being completed during the school internship semester that has to be interrupted due to school closings, the same applies accordingly. Since this is also a compulsory part of the degree program that must be passed, an appropriate solution for the successful completion or crediting of the module of the practical school semester will be worked out and communicated after the resumption of school and continuation of the training at the appropriate time.

(Source: Kultusministerium „Coronavirus: Häufige Fragen und Antworten für Lehramtsstudierende“,Lde/7216236 accessed on 09.09.2020)

When do classes start at the University of Education? - As of: 08/20/2020

2020/21 winter semester classes at the University of Education will begin on November 02, 2020.

Student administration

I would like to apply for place to study for the winter semester 2020/21. What changes in deadlines do I have to observe? - As of: 08/20/2020

The application deadline for study programs leading to a first university degree (Bachelor), as well as for law (state examination), human medicine, dentistry and pharmacy ends on August 20, 2020.

Can there be competitions, study aptitude tests, language tests and the like? - As of: 07/17/2020

Yes, as long as the University hygiene regulations are observed.

How can I currently enroll, exmatriculate or take leave of absence? (German and non-mobile foreign students) - As of: 04/24/2020

Matriculations, de-registrations and leave of absence are currently not carried out in person on site, but by post.

All information can be found on the website of the Student Service Center:

How can I currently enroll, exmatriculate or take leave of absence? (International students and EU citizens) - As of: 04/24/2020

Currently, enrollment cannot be done in person on site, but by post. All information, including information on original documents that must be presented to the International Admission and Services Department during the summer semester 2020, can be found on the Service Center for Studies:

I have an international (non-EU/EEA) nationality and have been admitted to the summer semester. May I enter Germany? - As of: 08/20/2020

Please refer to the Website for current travel regulations

If required, a confirmation of the necessity of your presence in Germany for the purpose of study/doctoral studies (§ 16b AufenthG) can be issued (see below under Information Sheets and Applications).

I cannot come to Germany because of the entry restrictions due to the proliferation of the coronavirus. Can I still matriculate? - As of: 08/20/2020

For international students who cannot enter Germany due to Corona restrictions, an off-campus enrollment can be done by e-mail. The completed application for enrollment, the notification of admission and the payment of the semester fee of 161 euros are required. However, this does not mean that international students from non-EU/EEA countries are exempt from tuition fees.
The proof of health insurance and the residence permit must be presented as soon as the students enter Germany. Enrollment is subject to a re-registration block for SoSe 2021, which will be lifted as soon as these documents are available.
For further questions please contact us:

Can I take a leave of absence if I want to go home to care for my parents? - As of: 04/24/2020

On the part of the university, it is possible to take leave of absence to care for sick relatives. You can find the application form and the necessary documents (medical certificate) here.

I lost my job due to the coronavirus and I cannot pay my tuition fees as an international student. Is there a possibility to waive the tuition fees? - As of: 08/20/2020

The corona pandemic has also had a considerable impact on the international students at the University of Freiburg. International students who are subject to tuition fees therefore have the option of (partial) deferment, (partial) remission or (partial) reimbursement of tuition fees in accordance with § 7 Landeshochschulgebührengesetz (LHGebG) in the cases listed below due to considerable financial hardship or in the event of personal or material inequity in accordance with § 1 paragraph 2 LHGebG in conjunction with § 22 para. 2 Landesgebührengesetz (LGebG).


Please note that the tuition fee must not yet be paid if you wish to claim financial hardship! The refund of already paid tuition fees is not possible due to considerable financial hardship. In these cases only reasons 2) or 3) will be considered.



1) A financial emergency that occurred after I started my studies and for which I am not responsible, which means that I cannot pay the tuition fees that have not yet been paid or have already been deferred (considerable financial hardship),

2) The complete or partial cancellation of the University's study, examination and supervision services due to the Corona Pandemic (factual inequity), in particular the cancellation of final examinations in the winter semester 2019/20 and the resulting unplanned re-registration for the summer semester 2020 or the cancellation of courses and study and examination services,

 3) A complete or partial impossibility, for which I am not responsible, to take advantage of the University's examination and care services and to perform study services (personal inequity), in particular due to an officially forbidden or delayed entry due to the Corona pandemic, or due to a necessary care of my own children due to the closure of day-care centers or schools.


Application and detailed information:

How do I pay my re-enrollment or study fees? - As of: 04/24/2020

The University cashier’s desk will remain closed until further notice.

Please transfer your student payments (re-enrollment fees, tuition fees) to the bank account indicated:

Bank: Baden-Württembergische Bank Stuttgart

IBAN: EN71 6005 0101 7438 5087 68


reason for payment (“Verwendungszweck”): last name, first name, applicant number


20202Matriculation number

If this is absolutely not possible, please contact the office via the e-mail address

How can I receive my new Unicard? - As of: 04/24/2020

For newly enrolled students with a German address, the UniCards will be sent by post to the address provided at the time of enrollment as usual.

Only students who do not have a German address and urgently need the UniCard can pick it up at the Student Service Center at the following times: Mondays 12pm – 2pm and Fridays 10am-12pm.

I lost my UniCard. How can I get a new one? - As of: 04/24/2020

For urgent cases the normal procedure applies, which you can view here.

However, please note the changed pick-up times: Mondays 12pm – 2pm and Fridays 10am-12pm.

What is the procedure for students who would like to apply for a Master's program in the winter semester 2020/2021 but cannot present their Bachelor's degree at the time of application due to corona? - As of: 08/20/2020

Students who would like to apply for a Master's program in 20/21 WS but cannot yet present a Bachelor's degree due to the corona pandemic can be admitted provisionally. The regulations can be found in § 45 and §46 of the Corona Statutes, version dated August 11, 2020.

If you have any questions regarding admission, please contact the relevant department.

My visa/ residence permit is about to expire. What should I do? - As of: 04/24/2020

If your visa, probationary permit or residence permit expires while the Immigration Office is closed, write an e-mail to the Immigration Office. They will explain the further procedure to you: or 0761 201 6470.

Further topics

What do I need to know as an Incoming ERASMUS student? - As of: 08/18/2020

You can find answers from the EU Office to frequently asked questions for Incoming ERASMUS students here.

What do I need to know as an Outgoing ERASMUS student? - As of: 08/18/2020

You can find answers from the EU Office to frequently asked questions for Outgoing ERASMUS students here.

What recommendations does the International Office give to Freiburg Global Exchange students? - As of: 04/24/2020

The following recommendations are currently being made within the framework of the interdisciplinary overseas student exchange coordinated by the International Office ("Freiburg Global Exchange"):

Outgoing students

  • Freiburg students who are currently spending a semester abroad: Recommendation to follow the guidelines and hygiene measures in the host country and the host university.
  • Freiburg students who have been nominated for an exchange in 2020: Please get in touch with your contact person at the International Office.
  • Freiburg students who are currently interested in or wish to apply for a stay abroad (Global Exchange):
  •                South Africa 2021: The deadline for this program has expired. The application deadline for the year 2022 will be May 2021.
  •                USA, Canada, Asia 2021/22: Please wait for the publication of the calls for applications first, which has been postponed until further notice, and then follow the instructions. The reference to the calls will appear at Deadlines will most likely be in November. Basic information about the exchange programs can be found here ( Details on the 2021/22 programs will be available as soon as the announcement is published. Please note that these programs can only be announced provisionally.
  •                Regardless of the exchange and the announcements, you should pay attention to deadlines of relevant scholarships (also for self-organized stays abroad as an alternative to an exchange), e.g. DAAD, Fulbright, Promos.

Incoming students

  • International exchange students from partner universities who are currently in Freiburg: Recommendation: Follow the instructions from your home university and home country (embassy)
  • International students from partner universities who are interested in studying abroad and/or who would like to apply to such a program: Request information as per usual from the partner university's international office

The contact persons for the "Freiburg Global Exchange" can be found at:

Tuition fees for international students are waived if students take a leave of absence - Do I still receive vouchers? - As of: 08/20/2020

If you do not pay tuition fees during a leave of absence, you will not receive any further vouchers. Even if you have submitted an application for tuition fee waiver and this has been approved, you will not receive any further vouchers. Nevertheless, you can use the vouchers you have not used so far and which do not lose their validity. Please send an e-mail to to check how many vouchers you currently have available.

Information about the vouchers and the course offerings

I am enrolled in a scientific training program. Where can I find more information? - As of: 04/24/2020

The general measures and regulations also apply to scientific training program. The colleagues in the Academy of Continuing Education can provide additional information here and identify contact persons for further questions.

Can I register as a guest auditor for the 2020 summer semester? - As of: 08/20/2020

Yes, this is possible until November 2, 2020 at the Student secretary’s office at Student Service Center. However, we advise you to wait until the program is published at the beginning of October.  After registration, a refund of the fee is not possible.

What rules apply to individual research internships and research-related theses at the University? - As of: 07/17/2020

Individual research internships, research-relevant theses, research traineeships and other work or internships in which individual persons are integrated in a working group are permitted, subject to the provisions of the hygiene regulations.

Will class cancellations negatively effect my BAfög? - As of: 08/20/2020

The Federal Ministry of Education has clarified by decree that BAföG funding will continue to be granted to the same extent as before and that you will not suffer any disadvantages with regard to the duration of funding.
Further information

“An amendment has now been adopted in Baden-Württemberg's higher education law, which provides for a one-off adjustment of the standard period of study for the 2020 summer semester due to corona-related one-semester delay. Due to the link between the maximum duration of funding and the standard period of study under the state's higher education law, the maximum duration of funding for BAföG will be increased by one semester.” (Source:, accessed on August 20, 2020)

Due to the corona crisis, I have lost my job and have financial difficulties. What can I do? - As of: 08/20/2020

Get in touch with the Studierendenwerk to use the available possibilities for financial aid, job placement, contact to further contact persons:,, under the headings “Geld” (money) and “Beratung und Soziales” (counselling and social services) as well as

As a result of the Corona pandemic, can I change the arrangements for my dorm room (extension, cancellation, etc.)? - As of: 04/24/2020

Contact the responsible institution directly, for example the Studierendenwerk via

I'm using the VPN, but can't access my directory/everything is very slow. Why? - As of: 04/24/2020

Due to increased home office activity, capacity bottlenecks currently occur when using VPN. Therefore the computer center is asking that you use it sparingly. In addition, a new VPN client is available for Windows users.
By the way, for some applications you do not need to be connected to the VPN, e.g. to work on publicly accessible web platforms such as ILIAS, HISinOne, Adobe Connect, video server.
Detailed information

I am a student and do not have a sufficiently good Internet connection. Are there any work rooms besides the UB that I can use? - As of: 06/29/2020

Starting June 30, 2020, students, guest students and doctoral candidates can use lecture halls 3042, 3043 and 3044 ("Aquarium", extension KGIII) for free work after prior event occupancy and space allocation. NEW: In addition, it is now possible to use the PC pool at Werthmannstr. 4.

In order to avoid uncontrollable congestion, it is necessary to book the workplaces. As with our UB, this is done via HISinOne. If you are interested in a workplace, please refer to the information at

As there are currently sufficient places available, the procedure for access for free work is simplified. It is possible to book 2 days in advance from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. of the current day and you will be admitted immediately as long as free places are available. For Monday, booking starts on Thursday.

Please note the following when using the rooms for free work:

  • Keep your distance, please.
  • Wear a mouth and nose covering when entering and leaving your workplace.
  • Only use the marked workstations. We have to check the restriction to these workplaces regularly.
  • The rooms will be cleaned regularly by the University according to the current situation and occupancy. Additional cleaning agents will be made available to you so that you can additionally clean surfaces if necessary.

Can certificates be handed over and prizes awarded? - As of: 07/17/2020

Yes, this is possible if the hygiene regulations are observed. However, apéritifs, caterings, buffets etc. should not be held for reasons of infection prevention. In well-justified exceptions, the Rectorate may allow these projects to be carried out on presentation of an individual hygiene concept.


Fact sheets and applications

  1. Corresponding attachment for the application to conduct an oral videoconference exam outside the University or other institutions - as of: 05/07/2020
  2. Application for conducting an oral examination by videoconference outside the University or other institutions - as of: 05/11/2020
  3. Affidavit on the independent provision of an oral doctoral examination in a video conference - as of: 05/07/2020
  4. Instruction sheet for the conduct of oral examinations in video conference format outside the University or other institutions - as of: 05/07/2020
  5. Declaration on the independent performance of an oral examination in a video conference examination - as of: 05/07/2020
  6. Nur für lehramtsbezogene Staatsprüfungen als Teil-Videokonferenz: Zustimmung zur Durchführung einer mündlichen Prüfung in Form einer Teil-Videokonferenz - Stand 29.04.2020
  7. General SARS-CoV-2 hygiene regulations from the University of Freiburg – as of 07/14/2020
  8. Form on data collection in accordance with § 6 of the Corona Ordinance – as of 09/14/2020
  9. Instructions for the use of the data collection form pursuant to § 6 CoronaVO – as of 09/14/2020
  10. Guidelines: Building openings and centrally managed rooms for the implementation of classroom teaching
  11. Seating plans with numbering of the lecture halls of the Central Lecture Hall Assignment Office can be found on the intranet: Filter: Messages from the Rectorate (access only for university employees. Login with the university account)
  12. Confirmation of the necessity to be present in Germany for the purpose of studies/doctoral studies (§ 16b Residence Act): German / English - as of: 07/16/2020



As of September 23, 2020. This Website is constantly being updated.