The University Library of Freiburg and the campus libraries, like almost all academic libraries in Germany, had to be closed completely to the public on 13th March 2020 due to the corona pandemic based on a decision by the university management and the corona ordinance of the state of Baden-Württemberg. On the basis of the revised version of the Corona Ordinance of the state of Baden-Württemberg, which came into force on 17.04.2020, the opening of libraries at universities "subject to conditions" and "in compliance with hygiene requirements and distance regulations" was generally permitted from 20.04.2020. As a result, a provisional lending service1 could be started in the UB on 23.04.2020. Since 20.05.2020, a limited reading room operation2 is also possible for university members. And since 16.06.2020, selected campus libraries3 have been gradually reopened with restrictions.
The greatly reduced usage concept of the University Library and the campus libraries was carefully examined in advance with all experts and actors in the university environment and adapted to the valid regulations (e.g. hygiene regulations of the University of Freiburg, state corona regulation of Baden-Württemberg in the current version). It is evaluated during operation and constantly adapted to the current situation.
In order to compensate at least partially for the massive restrictions on studying, teaching and research, the UB team is continuously expanding its comprehensive range of digital media for university members. Information about the corresponding additional resources4 is provided on an ongoing basis. In addition, the University Library offers a digital article delivery service5 (scans from journals and collected works, free of charge) and a book delivery by parcel post6 (subject to a fee) for university members.
Please refer to the University Library's website for all current information about the services and possibilities of use: