The University of Freiburg fosters a dialogue between science and society – with publications, events, websites, and social media. The Office of Public Relations takes care of internal and external communication at the university, while the Office of Corporate Communication is responsible for the same at the University Medical Center. Moreover, the student editorial teams at uniCROSS also report on a wide range of topics from the university.
The newsroom at the Press Work and Public Relations Department presents news from research and teaching and keeps you in the loop about what’s happening on campus – in German and in English. Press releases inform the media and the general public about current research and events and provide opinions from experts. A calendar presents all events with media relevance scheduled to take place at the University of Freiburg in the next 14 days. In addition, the research portal Surprising Science presents selected research projects in texts, images, and videos.
Central Publications
The editorial team at the Office of Public Relations reports on life at the University of Freiburg in several publications. The newspaper uni’leben comes out five times a year and offers commentaries, reports, and interviews on current topics – from the latest research findings and interesting facts about academics and teaching to entertaining perspectives on the university community. Other publications include the biannual research magazine uni’wissen and the annual magazine uni’alumni for former University of Freiburg students. All of these publications are also available online, with digital editions of the two magazines also available in English.
Social Media
The Press Work and Public Relations Department calls attention to announcements, events, and other interesting news from the University of Freiburg on Facebook and Twitter and presents attractive photos on Instagram. The Alumni Department is connected with former University of Freiburg students on Xing, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter and also publishes its own blog in German and English, including a newsletter that may be subscribed to on the website.
The Relationship and Event Management Department and the Alumni Department organize large-scale events that bring together current and former members of the university as well as guests from Freiburg and all around Germany. The family afternoon for first-semester students takes place each year at the start of the winter semester at the SC Freiburg stadium, and the Freiburg Science Fair is held every two years in alteration with the International Alumni Meeting.
Publications of the University Medical Center
The Office of Corporate Communication at the University Medical Center also issues several publications: DASmagazin reports quarterly on treatment, research, and teaching at the Freiburg University Medical Center and ampuls is the medical center’s employee newspaper. Both of these publications are also posted on the medical center’s website, as is the magazine Im Fokus, which reports on medical topics. A newsletter introducing articles from the current issue of Im Fokus can be subscribed to on the website.
uniCROSS gives students the opportunity to gain media skills and experience in cross-media journalism at the University Library’s Media Center. The students work with cameras, microphones, laptops, and smartphones under the guidance of media experts and acquire valuable media and journalism skills that can come in handy in their future careers as well as for making presentations during their studies and publishing their own research findings.
uniCROSS has three student editorial teams: uniTV, uniONLINE, and uniFM 88,4.
uniTV has access to a professionally equipped TV studio, uniFM has a radio station with a frequency in Freiburg and 24 hours of programming made by students for students, and uniONLINE engages in all forms of online journalism. All three work together to create professional, creative, and cleverly presented cross-media journalism.