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Due to the rapid spread of the corona virus, many preventive measures are currently being taken that require constant updates. Below you will find important information for you concerning research.


Are research operations still running according to plan?

Research operations should be maintained as far as possible, taking into account safety and preventive measures, in order to avoid hardship for those affected. The regulations on the admissibility of meetings according to §§2 and 3 Corona VO as well as the hygiene regulations of the University apply. Meetings such as conferences or meetings are to be reduced to the absolute minimum. As far as possible, technical alternatives such as telephone or video conferences are to be used. If meetings take place, a minimum distance of 1.5 meters must be maintained between the participants. If the minimum distance of 1.5 meters to other people cannot be maintained safely, a mouth and nose covering or mask must be worn. This applies not only to the workplace, but also to the circulation areas (corridors, staircases) and to common rooms (e.g. social rooms, tea kitchens) and sanitary facilities.

At the same time, we ask you to prepare for the possibility that (research) buildings may not be accessible for a short period of time, whether due to a building or area closure or a personal quarantine situation. If you have not already, please identify the most critical infrastructure in your areas, e.g. deep-freeze storage, animal care, equipment or experiments that require regular on-site supply. Please clarify internally who is responsible for these areas and who can represent you in case of loss of personnel (illness, quarantine, etc.).

How will this effect research funding?

The respective funding agencies will provide information on possible changes to submission deadlines and review procedures for funding proposals (e.g. information from the DFG). The quorum of the University committees is guaranteed, so that decisions can be made on any application submissions and the establishment of funded projects.
Freiburg Research Services has switched to consultations and service by telephone and email. Visitor traffic will be limited to what is absolutely necessary (e.g. to provide signature services).

Are scientific conferences, meetings and workshops still being held?

The admissibility of meetings, i.e. also of scientific conferences, meetings and workshops, is governed by §§ 2 and 3 CoronaVO of the State of Baden-Württemberg.

Events with over 500 participants are prohibited. When calculating the number of participants, employees and other contributors to the event are not taken into account. When calculating the number of participants, employees and other participants in the event are not taken into account.

Nevertheless, meetings should be reduced to the absolutely necessary minimum. If they do take place, protection against infection must be guaranteed (minimum distance of 1.5 meters) between the participants, wearing a mouth and nose covering, etc. In principle, meetings with more than twenty people can also be permitted by means of an exceptional approval by the Rectorate in accordance with § 2 paragraph 4. This would require a decision on a case-by-case basis upon application.


Please note the general regulations for University staff members