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Senate, Governing Bodies and Committees



  • Senate
    The Senate represents all areas of the university. It includes the following members by virtue of their offices: the rector, the head of administration, the rector's legal advisor, the equal opportunity representative, and the deans of the eleven faculties. Elected members represent the university's teaching staff, research staff, students, and other staff members. The term of office of elected members is four years, that of student members one year.
  • Permanent Senate Commission on Equal Opportunity [de]
    The main duty of this permanent senate commission is to oversee the implementation of equal opportunity measures at the University of Freiburg. Additionally, the commission recommends candidates each year for the 5000-euro Bertha Ottenstein Prize (formerly known as the Award for the Promotion of Women).
  • Permanent Senate Commission on Academic Affairs and Subcommittee of the Permanent Senate Commission on Academic Affairs [de]
    The Senate Commission on Academic Affairs advises the university mangagment and the Senate in all fundamental questions concerning studies and instruction as well as on the university's instructional profile, including the establishment of a comprehensive system for quality assurance and quality management for instruction and the awarding of teaching prizes. In particular, the commission is responsible for making recommendations on the establishment, modification, and termination of degree programs as well as the regulations governing degree programs and examinations.
  • Committee on Media Development and Practice [de]
    The duty of the Committee on Media Development and Practice is to guarantee advising on fundamental questions concerning the university's information infrastructure (especially the libraries, electronic communication, and the University Archive), information processing, communication technology, and media development.
  • Senate Commission for Strategic Planning and Development [de]
    The Commission for Strategic Planning and Development is a permanent advisory commission of the Senate that prepares decisions on plans concerning the structure and development of the faculties and the university as a whole. The commission advises the Senate and the university management on all questions concerning the promotion and development of the university's research profile.

Contact: Office for Committees and Appointments