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EPICUR – European Partnership for an Innovative Campus Unifying Regions

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The European network of research regions

As a member of the network EPICUR (European Partnership for Innovative Campus Unifying Regions) the University of Freiburg was able to secure funds for teaching projects for the years 2019 to 2022 in the pilot call for proposals for the European Universities Initiative (EUI; Erasmus+). With the Universities of Amsterdam, Poznań, Thessaloniki, and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna, the German and French Eucor members also succeeded in attracting additional partners to the consortium.

In its pilot phase (until 2021), EPICUR is concentrating on developing innovative teaching formats inspired by the approach of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education (LAS). ECOLAS, the consortium of European Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences, is therefore an associated partner of EPICUR. Other goals and fields of activity include the digital transformation of teaching and the facilitation of student and teacher mobility between the member universities. Furthermore, EPICUR promotes skills in the use of European languages and involves the regional networks of its member universities in the development of joint academic programs. EPICUR develops inclusive, values-based models and programs of academic education for the European leaders of tomorrow. Thematically, the network focuses on the major challenges facing society and is accordingly developing an LAS program in the natural sciences and in the humanities. In organizing its activities, the network takes into account all dimensions in the knowledge quadrangle of research, teaching, innovation, and social responsibility.