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Due to the continuing threat from coronavirus, many preventive measures are currently be-ing taken that require constant updating. Below you will find important information for all University employees that we have compiled on your behalf.



Which University buildings will still be open?

Persons who do not have official business or study matters at the University may only enter the University buildings for important reasons. The University buildings are closed to the public. To ensure controlled access, University buildings and facilities shall be kept closed as far as possible. Access to the building is now only possible either with UniCards (authorization level: 24-hour access) or keys. This also applies to all internal card readers. It cannot be ruled out that authorized persons may have a UniCard without the aforementioned authorization level. These persons are requested to obtain access via authorized colleagues until further notice and to contact us by email ( so that a UniCard adaptation process can be established. Unfortunately, we are unable to answer telephone calls or email inquiries until further notice.

What precautions should I take in case of a complete closure?

In view of the progressive course of the pandemic, a far-reaching restriction of operations is still to be expected and a complete closure of the university cannot be ruled out. You should therefore prepare yourself and your area of work in a concrete and timely manner to ensure that University areas/buildings or the entire University can be closed down completely at any time and/or that people cannot return to work due to quarantine measures.

Please identify - if not already done - essential processes and, if applicable, critical infrastructure (research, laboratory results, data, etc.) in your areas that require timely securing and permanent care. Please urgently clarify internally who is responsible for these areas and who can take over the second and, if necessary, the third-party care in case of loss of personnel (illness, quarantine, etc.). It is recommended to create telephone lists in the facilities.

Essential work equipment and documents, especially notebooks and mobile phones, should be taken home as far as possible. Also remember important personal items (keys, glasses, papers, private mobile phone, medication, etc.).

Persons who have to carry out a system-relevant task essential for operations are granted official access authorization for closed buildings. This is signed by the head of the administration (chancellor) or the respective divisional manager/supervisor and is valid in conjunction with a valid UniCard, identity card and official seal. The authorization, the UniCard and the badge must always be carried on your person. Please make a list of the persons who have received such authorization. The basic building services is ensured by Department 4 within the scope of reduced operations.

The basic supply of the buildings is ensured by Department 4 within the scope of reduced operation.

What rules apply to working from home (home office)?

Home office is granted as far as possible, pragmatically, employee-friendly and flexibly by the respective superiors of the divisions. Until further notice, no approval of Home Office by the Human Resources Department is required; it is sufficient for the superior to inform the Human Resources Department informally by e-mail about the granting of Home Office. Those affected from risk groups should preferably be granted mobile or home-based work opportunities. The necessary equipment and access to the University network must be ensured.

For work in the home office, the general regulations continue to apply. Due to the extraordinary circumstances, the working hours applicable to the employee(s) will be booked in the time recording system ZEUS, provided that employees do not report overtime or reduced working hours. To simplify matters, notifications of overtime or reduced working hours in relation to the entire working week should be sent to the respective time recording office; no proof is required for individual days. The Rectorate, in consultation with the Staff Council, shall endeavor to facilitate largely flexible working hours under these extraordinary circumstances.

The availability of teleworkers during teleworking/home work must be clearly regulated and ensured in consultation with the supervisor(s). For this purpose, technical aids such as the conversion of the office telephone to the private telephone should be used if necessary. The employee is obliged to comply with the applicable data protection and data security regulations.

Employees who work from home are also protected by statutory accident insurance when working at home.

How should I organize operations in my area to ensure the best possible protection for employees?

In each area, independently operating teams are to be formed if home office is not possible. The members of these different teams should not have direct contact with each other, not even during breaks or in private. Handover and team-wide meetings are to be held by telephone or other electronic means. Coordinate with colleagues from other areas to be able to support each other if necessary.

Meetings should be switched to video or telephone conferences or similar. In general, a maximum of five people may be in a room at any one time. This applies to all rooms, as well as to laboratories, workshops, etc.

How do I reach my workplace if I am resident in a neighboring country?

As an employee of the University of Freiburg, you are considered a commuter if you live/travel from a neighboring country. These are defined as persons who enter the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany daily or for up to five days for professional or medical reasons deemed absolutely necessary and not to be postponed or for reasons of attending an educational institution, or who have spent less than 48 hours abroad, with the exception of the regulation of the State government of Baden-Württemberg to go directly to their own home or other suitable accommodation immediately after entry and to remain there permanently for a period of 14 days after entry.

Please keep yourself informed about possible changes in your country of residence!

To cross the border from France to Germany, the following documents must be carried.

  • Personal ID / Passport
  • Commuter permit. This must be presented in a clearly visible fashion behind the windshield.

For the return journey, in addition to the identity card, the following document is required: "Certificate of arrival at the place of employment - L'attestation de l'employeur". The "attestation individuelle", which in France must normally be filled in each time you leave your own residence, is not required for the return journey to work.

The certificate of arrival at work must be completed once by your supervising university institution. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in fines.

To cross the border from Switzerland to Germany, the following documents must be carried.

  • Passport / personal ID  / ID card
  • Commuter permit. This must be presented in a clearly visible fashion behind the windshield.

For the return journey, Swiss customs requires persons without Swiss nationality to have a valid cross-border commuter permit to certify their status as cross-border commuters.

For more information:

How long will the university day care centers remain closed?

Since Tuesday, March 17th, all university day care centers and the Wolkengarten day care cen-ter have been closed until further notice, i.e. regular operation will probably be suspended until Sunday, May 17th. At present, an (extended) emergency care is being provided according to the guidelines of the State government. The criteria for the admission of a child to an emer-gency group are bindingly set by the state. An application for admission to emergency care must be submitted to the management of the childcare facility that the child normally attends.
According to the "roadmap" for the further opening of day care centers in Baden-Württemberg, which was adopted by the Ministry of Education on May 6, 2020, reduced reg-ular operations are to be resumed on Monday, May 18th, and care will be gradually extended to up to 50% of the children.

Is there extended emergency care in the university day care centers?

Since Monday, April 27, 2020, emergency care in the day care centers and schools has been extended in accordance with the specifications of the State government.

Where can I get an employer's certificate for emergency care in day care centres / schools?

For emergency care in day-care centres and schools, the employer must certify that the child is not available for activities requiring attendance. The times of the professional attendance obligation must also be stated. For self-employed persons, a self-certification is sufficient.

In addition, the parents must declare that family or other care of the children is not possible.

All parents who are employed at the University of Freiburg and who meet the requirements are welcome to contact the respective clerk in the Human Resources Department (D3) directly in order to obtain a corresponding employer's certificate.

Extended emergency care generally takes place in the institution that the child visited before the closure. To apply for admission, parents who are entitled to claim should contact the facility management there.

For children of parents in system-relevant occupations who were already being cared for before 27.04.2020, no new application must be submitted if the prerequisites are still fulfilled.

What are the rules pertaining to working hours if I have to look after children at home?

Parents who are unable to perform their duties at work, or only to a limited extent, because they have to fulfil their care obligations after the closure of schools and day-care centers, and who have no alternative means of care, are subject to the following regulations:
In consultation with their superiors, employees who care for one or more children up to the age of 12 or for children who are permanently in need of care due to a physical, mental or psychological disability, and for whom no home office can be provided due to their work, will be granted full or partial leave with continued payment of remuneration or special leave with retention of remuneration for the period of absence from work up to and including May 29, 2020, unless this is not possible for job-related reasons.
Upon request, the supervisor must be provided with a credible explanation for the lack of care facilities. Such leave may only be granted if and to the extent that, in a specific individ-ual case, no work can be performed by the employee by means of telecommuting or on-site work.
Employees who, due to the need for childcare, are able to perform a significant portion of their individual target working hours (e.g., a proportion of telecommuting or on-site work) will continue to be released within the scope of their individual target working hours. In all other cases, time off can only be granted if the employee has used up any existing positive flextime credit for childcare at his or her own initiative. Employees who do not have a posi-tive flextime credit can still be released from work within the framework of their planned working time.
The supervisor must inform the responsible HR administrator by e-mail.

What rules pertaining to working time apply if I am responsible for close relatives in need of care?

For employees who are responsible for close relatives in need of care because a full- or part-time inpatient care facility has been closed due to the spread of COVID-19, the regulations on child care under "What rules pertaining to working time apply if I have to care for chil-dren at home?" The same applies to employees who have lost a full-time home care worker due to the spread of COVID-19. Proof of the closure of the care facility or the lack of care facilities must be made available to the office upon request.

What rules pertaining to working time apply if I am a high-risk person regarding COVID-19?

For employees with an increased risk for a severe course of COVID-19 (high-risk groups) ac-cording to the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute, the regulations on childcare under "What rules pertaining to working time apply if I have to care for children at home?" Membership of a risk group as well as the increase in risk due to the work performance must be proven to the department on request by a medical certificate. Before taking time off work, the services should examine the possibility of telecommuting or work reorganiza-tion with the involvement of the employee concerned in order to enable low-risk work to be carried out.

Are the University counseling services still available?

The psychosocial counseling service, which all employees of the University can use free of charge in crises and/or conflict situations, as well as the Addiction Clinic can still be reached. The counseling services have been changed strictly to a telephone service.

Can orders also be sent to the Finance Department by e-mail?

Due to the current corona crisis, the Ministry of Finance (MWK decree from March 17, 2020) has decided, in order to facilitate the implementation of short-term organizational measures (e.g. use of home office), that it is sufficient to document the exercised budgetary responsibilities (factual and arithmetical correctness, authority to issue orders) by e-mail correspondence in order to meet the formal requirements, especially with regard to the two-man rule principle.
Detailed service article on the implementation of this procedure [de]

How do I reach the Finance Department?

Functional e-mail addresses will also be accessible during reduced University operations. Representation will be organized in such a way that at least one person from the second or third management level is on site every day.

The business transactions are scanned in the D2 and (if possible) digitally processed. You can support this by sending internal documents, if possible already in digital form, to the appropriate departments. Documents that require a physical signature and must be archived in an audit-proof manner (e.g. invoices) should continue to be sent to the finance department in their original form.

If you send documents to the D2 more than once (e.g. once digitally, once on paper), we ask you to mark this on the documents in any case. Given the improvised processes, it is important to maintain a regulated processing of transactions. In case of doubt, this is more important than the avoidance of possible cash discount losses or reminder fees.

How do I reach the Personnel Department?  

Contact to the business area travel cost center is currently only possible by e-mail. There may be delays in accounting. Please refrain from personal queries.

In the business areas of civil servants, employees covered by collective agreements and scientific/student staff, we will be happy to assist you. In the divisions civil servants, employees working under collective wage agreements and academic assistants, the Personnel Department is committed to processing P6/P166 applications submitted by April 1, 2020 and other personnel cases submitted to the Personnel Department on that date in a timely manner. It can be assumed that the applications/personnel cases submitted by March 16, 2020 will be completed in any case. We also aim to process applications received after March 16, 2020 in a timely manner, insofar as this is possible under the given circumstances

The respective superiors must ensure that no work is done without an employment contract signed by the Personnel Department. Any legal consequences shall be borne by the institution that initiated the commencement of work without a contract.

How do I reach the Department of Environmental Protection?

The Department of Environmental Protection strives to continue to offer daily opening hours, regardless of further restrictions on University operations. All facilities in emergency or quarantine operation are requested to carry out all necessary waste disposal operations or to prepare them accordingly before closing or reducing operations. This includes hazardous materials, hazardous waste, but also perishable items such as food and residual waste. Please promptly contact the department. If your area has to be closed on short notice, please contact the department immediately.

How will procurement work?

Requests of the ZUV are to be sent digitally by e-mail to the contact persons of the Central Procurement Department with immediate effect. If the signature of the authorized person / supervisor cannot be noted on the form, the approval for the procurement must be obtained from the authorized person / supervisor by e-mail and sent to the Central Procurement Department.

For procurements of 5,000 euros (net) or more, all documents relevant to the award procedures (bill of quantities, signed procurement application and, if applicable, explanations) must also be sent to the staff of Central Procurement by e-mail as before.

Whom do I contact about my UniCard?

The UniCard office for employees (location Fahnenbergplatz) has been closed since March 17, 2020  until further notice. Please clarify questions and problems with the respective personnel administrator by phone or e-mail. In case of loss or extension of the validity of the UniCard, please use the postal service, Personnel Department - UniCard Team.

Can job interviews be held?

1) All university buildings are currently still closed to the public.
2) For this reason, use digital communication as a priority for job interviews.
3) If, in individual cases, interviews are held in person, the following guidelines apply:

a) A maximum of 5 persons are permitted.
b) The minimum distance of 1.5 meters must be maintained.
c) An appropriate room size must therefore be available.
d) A nose and mouth covering must be worn when entering and leaving the building.
e) Drinks are not to be offered.
f) All applicants have to be picked up individually at the entrance of the building and taken back there.
(g) Persons who are or have been in contact with an infected person are excluded from participation in an interview if 14 days have not yet elapsed since contact with an in-fected person, or who show symptoms of respiratory infection or increased temperature.