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A Vibrant Comprehensive University


The whole is more than the sum of its parts: At the heart of the University of Freiburg are its 11 faculties and 18 research centers, where the instruction and research take place. Whereas the faculties unite related fields of study, the research centers conduct interdisciplinary and interfaculty research projects. These institutions are complemented by the central service departments, which provide a range of university-wide services. The interplay between these parts makes up the excellent profile of the University of Freiburg.



Faculty of Theology

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences

Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Philology

Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Faculty of Biology

Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources

Faculty of Engineering

Departments, Resources, and Services

Central Research Institutes

Central Resources

Central University Administration

Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)


Social Resources

Staff Representatives and Counseling Services

University-Affiliated Institutions

University Medical Center