A Vibrant Comprehensive University
The whole is more than the sum of its parts: At the heart of the University of Freiburg are its 11 faculties and 18 research centers, where the instruction and research take place. Whereas the faculties unite related fields of study, the research centers conduct interdisciplinary and interfaculty research projects. These institutions are complemented by the central service departments, which provide a range of university-wide services. The interplay between these parts makes up the excellent profile of the University of Freiburg.
Faculty of Theology
http://www.theol.uni-freiburg.d [de]1
Dean's Office
Dean: Prof. Dr. Ferdinand R. Prostmeier
Institutes and Departments
- Department of Biblical and Historical Theology3
- Department of Systematic Theology3
- Department of Practical Theology3
Faculty of Law
Dean's Office
Dean: Prof. Dr. Jan von Hein
Institutes and Departments
- Department of German and International Civil Procedure Law7
- Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law7
- Department of Foreign and International Private Law7
- Department of Political Science and Philosophy of Law8
- Department of Criminology and Business Criminal Law9
- Department of Legal History and Comparative Legal History7
- Department of Public Law10
- Department of Business, Labor, and Social Law7
- Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law11
- Department of Media and Information Law7
Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences
Dean's Office
Dean: Prof. Dr. Olaf Rank
Institutes and Departments
- Department of Economics15
- Department of Educational Science17
- Departmental Library for Philosophy and Educational Science18
- Department of Psychology19
- Department of Sports Science and Physical Education20
Faculty of Medicine
Dean's Office
Dean: Prof. Dr. Norbert Südkamp
Institutes and Departments
- Biological Anthropology28
- Department of Medical Psychology29
- Department of Medical Sociology30
- Ethics Commission31
- Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology32
- Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology33
- Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology34
- Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics (IMBI)35
- Institute of Medical Ethics and Medical History36
- Institute of Molecular Medicine and Cell Research37
- Institute of Physiology38
Faculty of Philology
Dean's Office
Dean: Prof. Dr. Frank Bezner
Institutes and Departments
- Department of Medieval Latin42
- Department of Indo-European and Comparative Linguistics43
- Department of Romance Languages and Literatures44
- Deutsches Seminar45
- Department of Scandinavian Studies46
- Department of English47
- Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures48
- Language Teaching Centre of the Faculty of Philology49
- Institute for Media and Cultural Studies50
- Library of the Department of Classical Philology51
- Library of the Department of Medieval Latin52
- Library of the Department of Indo-European and Comparative Linguistics52
- Library of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures53
- Library of the Department of German54
- Combined Departmental Library in KG IV (English)55
- Library of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures56
Faculty of Humanities
Dean's Office
Dean: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Neutatz
Departments and Institutes
- Department of Philosophy59
- Department of Archeological Sciences60 (IAW)
- Department of Ancient History61
- Department of History62
- Department of Asian Studies63
- Department of Cultural Anthropology and Social Ethnology64
- Department of Ethnology65
- Department of Political Science66
- Department of Sociology67
- Department of Art History68
- Department of Musicology69
- Combined Departmental Library for Geography, Hydrology, and Ethnology70
- Combined Departmental Library in KG IV (Geschichte, Sociology, Political Science)71
- Library of the Department of Ancient History72
- Library of the Department of Archaeology73
- Library of the Department of Art History74
- Library of the Department of Musicology75
- Combined Departmental Library for Philosophy and Educational Science, Philosophy Section76
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Dean's Office
Dean: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Soergel
- Department of Mathematics79
- Department of Pure Mathematics80
- Section of Mathematical Logic81
- Department of Applied Mathematics82
- Department of Mathematical Stochastics83
- Department of Math Education84
- Department of Physics85
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Dean's Office
Dean: Prof. Dr. Oliver Einsle
Institutes and Departments
- Department of Physical Chemistry90
- Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry91
- Institute of Organic Chemistry92
- Institute of Biochemistry93
- Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry 94
- Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences95
Faculty of Biology
Dean's Office
Dean: Prof. Dr. Dierk Reiff
Institutes and Departments
- Botanical Gardens101
- Biology I Zoology102
- Institute of Biology II103
- Institute of Biology III104
- Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics105
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
Dean's Office
Dean: Prof. Dr. Heiner Schanz
Dean's Office 109
Institutes and Departments
- Departement of Forest Science110
- Departement of Geology and Environmental Natural sciences110
- Departement of Environmental Social Sciences und Geography 110
Faculty of Engineering
Dean's Office
Dean: Prof. Dr. Rolf Backofen
Dean's Office 114
- Department of Computer Science115 (INF)
- Department of Microsystems Engineering116 (IMTEK)
- Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering117 (INATECH)
Departments, Resources, and Services
Central Research Institutes
Excellence Institutions
- Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies119 (FRIAS)
- BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies120
- BrainLinks-BrainTools121
- Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine122 (SGBM)
- CIBSS – Centre for Integrative Biological Signalling Studies123
- Living, Adaptive and Energy-autonomous Materials Systems (livMatS) 124
Research Centers
- Africa Centre for Transregional Research (ACT)
- Bernstein Center Freiburg (BCF)125
- Center for Transcultural Asian Studies (CETRAS)126
- Centre for Security and Society (CSS)127
- Center for Data Analysis and Modeling (FDM)128
- Center for Anthropology and Gender Studies (ZAG) [de]129
- Center for Business & Law (ZBL) [de]130
- Center for French Studies (FZ) [de]131
- Centre for Medicine and Society (ZMG)132
- Center for Popular Culture and Music (ZPKM)133
- Center for Renewable Energy (ZEE)134
- Freiburg Centre for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies (FIT)135
- Freiburg Interdisciplinary Ethics Center (EZ)136
- Freiburg Material Research Center (FMF) [de]137
- Herrmann Paul Center for Linguistics (HPCL)138
- Medieval Studies Center (MZ) [de]139
- Nietzsche Research Centre (NFZ)
Central Resources
- Computing Center140
- University Archives141
- Uniseum Freiburg142
- Freiburg Academy of Continuing Education143 [de]
- Studium generale144
- Recreational Sports Program145 (AHS)
- University College Freiburg146 (UCF)
- University Library147
Central University Administration
- Central University Administration148
- Occupational Medicine and Healthcare Service149 (AD)
- Administrative Department 1 - Organizational Development150
- Administrative Department 2 - Finances and Controlling151
- Administrative Department 3 - Human Resources152
- Administrative Department 4 - Facility Management, Commercial Affairs and Technical Building Management153
- Office for Committees and Appointments154 (GB)
- International Office155 (IO)
- Office of Public Relations156 (PR/A/BE)
- Freiburg Research Services157 (FRS)
- Freiburg Academy of Continuing Education158 (FRAUW)
- Office for Gender and Diversity159 (G+D)
- Office for Instructional Development and Instructional Quality160 (LL)
- Student Service Center161 (SCS)
- Office of Safety162 (SSI)
- Office of Environmental Conservation163 (SU)
- Strategy and University Development164 (S+E)
- Center for Technology Transfer165 (ZFT)
- Center for Popular Culture and Music133 (ZPKM)
Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)
- Rectorate168
- University Council170
- Senate171
- General Student Committee172 (StuRa Uni Freburg)
Social Resources
Staff Representatives and Counseling Services
University-Affiliated Institutions
University Medical Center
- University Medical Center188
- Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology189
- University Anesthesiological Clinic190
- Department of Neurosurgery191
- University Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine192
- University Neurological Clinic193
- Center for Dental Medicine194
- University Dermatological Clinic195
- Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology196
- Eye Center197
- Department of Radiology198
- Center for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine199
- University Gynecological and Obstetrical Clinic200
- Institute of Pathology201
- Institute of Forensic Medicine202
- Institute for Medical Biometry and Statistics203
- Center of Microbiology and Hygiene204
- Environmental Health Sciences and Hospital Infection Control205
- Institute of Human Genetics206
- Tumor Biology Clinic207
- Institute for Evidence in Medicine208