Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krieglstein

Areas of Work / Responsibilities:
- Representation of the University of Freiburg
- Senate
- University Council
- Excellence Initiative (Institutional Strategy, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies – FRIAS, BIOSS)
- Commission for Strategic Planning and Development
- Human resource affairs for academic positions (except for University Medical Center)
- Honors, awards (with representative for honors and awards)
- Cooperation with higher education institutions in the region
- Office of Committees and Appointments
- Office of Strategy and Development
- International Office
- Office of Public Relations
- State Rectors' Committee
- German Rectors’ Conference
- President of Eucor – The European Campus
- Chairman of German U15
- Office of Student Services, Representative Committee of the Office of Student Services
- Studium Generale
- Academic Society
- Alumni Freiburg e.V.
- Friends of the University Association
- Board of Directors of the Medical Center
- New University Endowment
- League of European Research Universities (LERU)